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The Trans4mator is designed to set you free. It is a far-reaching procedure that helps you to relate in a different way to the world and to change your perspective on it and on yourself. Through better understanding of yourself and your world you can experience a freedom unknown before and you will live more in the here and now. The techniques you will learn here will help you to let go of fear and negative thinking, every feeling that you're not good enough, the past and all former unwanted experiences, worries and grief. The Trans4mator leads you out of littleness, the existential struggle, negative experiences, low self esteem, conflicts and lack, to divine power, peace, love, abundance and happiness. It teaches you to use your unlimited power naturally to create a wonderful life. The Trans4mator includes energetic techniques, based on the ancient meridian therapy and knowledge about the chakra's and also gives you another way of thinking. It is more than just affirmations or positive thinking. Because we have all experienced that some affirmations work and some don't. and what we mostly experience is that our negative affirmations like I will never be happy, I will always be too fat or I will never have enough money are realized with the greatest ease. It really seems as if the situation was first a fact and the negative conviction began only then. All the thinking like a victim is based on that. You can be convinced They really did that to me. The world of ego is filled with negative thoughts. You cannot help that those thoughts surface in you. All of us together give them power. The negative thought forces itself into your thinking and the effects depend on how you react to it. Do you believe it or doesn't it mean anything to you? If you don't believe it, you can laugh about it. If you notice that you do believe it, the least you can do with the Trans4mator is undermine this belief. And in many cases the complete belief just dissolves. I am convinced that certain negative ideas in our collective mind are healed by certain people, that this is their special task. You could also say that it is the frequency in which they vibrate. For instance healers of sickness and physical problems often go first through the disorders they heal. The main purpose of the Trans4mator. This Trans4mator is meant to understand your true powerful Self and restore contact with it. This will increase your inner peace incredibly and give you true fulfilment in life. It removes all blocks to love. You then automatically love yourself and others more and Divine Love fills your heart. It begins with taking responsibility for your life and letting go of the belief in guilt. As long as you wonder who is to blame for the unpleasant things in your life and in the world you cannot focus your attention on the question what you can do. Looking for someone to blame then distracts you from your possibilities to effect real change. What does it profit you to look for someone to blame? What would you do if you could find a guilty party? People have been doing that forever and look at the world that arose from the urge for retaliation. Looking for mistakes, blaming, pointing out guilty parties, but also feeling guilty, they are all symptomatic for feelings of being a victim. In essence the martyr and the tyrant are doing the same thing. They both misuse power out of a misconception about it. The so-called control freak and the mask of innocent victim are two sides of one medal. Both want others or the circumstances, in any case something outside of them, to change. Both just don't know their power and try to exert influence in insufficient ways. The solution is to understand your power. And that understanding begins with taking responsibility for everything in your life. You are responsible for your life, but that doesn't mean that you are to blame for things that happen in your life. In the world in which we live you learn early on to point to others and circumstances as the cause of everything that happens in your life. After this has been etched in your mind it seems implausible that you would be responsible for the loss of your loved ones, for war and conflicts in the world, or problems with your job. Your conditioning causes you to automatically think in terms of blame and guilt. You have learned to equate responsibility to guilt. And because you don't want to be blamed, you look for someone outside of you to blame. There is nothing outside of you! Even though you may believe there could be something outside of you, things can only change when you change. Because we have learned to believe in guilt, we want very much to reject responsibility and direct it to someone else. However, when you do that you place your power in the hands of others or fate. When you don't want to do that anymore, you begin to regain your power. Most people believe that it is better for them to blame external powers for the unpleasant things in their lives. They hope their fortune will someday be reversed and that they will have more luck then. Or they know everything about their problem and have identified so much with it, that they wouldn't recognize themselves without it. It is as if people justify their existence by conquering obstacles and fixing problems. Conquering suffering can seem very heroic and also lend you an aura of innocence. This can make you very attached to the thought and behavioural patterns that make you suffer. Choose to take responsibility for the ways in which you cause your own pain and also take responsibility for creating your own joy and peace. That is also the key to finding your passion, your true life purpose. You discover your life mission with the Trans4mator! The Secret may have changed your thinking, but the Trans4mator changes your life! You become a master of everything Margareth Lee STAND BY ME by Playing For Change: a good way to raise your vibration is to sing along. It is also a good idea to replace "you" in songs by "I" and "me".
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